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75th Anniversary Celebration
Loving God Loving People Since 1941
The first youth retreat was held on the YFBC yard in June, 1941, with the registration cost for the weekend being 50¢ and the youth sleeping in the barn haylofts. At this time the yard was still an experimental farm but the desire to purchase the land was in the hearts of J.C. Schmidt, Henry W. Friesen, and Isaac Epp. The land was purchased and youth retreats continued annually with the addition of a children’s retreat a few years later.
Although the permanent summer camp program only started in 1965, the focus of sharing Jesus and providing a place to serve has been the central mission of this yard since 1941 and continues to be the reason YFBC exists today.
On Saturday, June 4th, 2016 we celebrated 75 years of ministry at the Youth Farm Bible Camp!