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Moving Buildings to YFBC
Ever since the very beginning stages of ministry at the Youth Farm Bible Camp buildings have been moved. Many of the houses on the Youth Farm Complex were moved to the site. Over the years, many have also been moved off the yard as well. The first Nursing Home, originally the home of the station manager's residence of the former experimental farm in the 1920-30s was moved to the Seager Wheeler Experimental Farm east of Rosthern in the 1990s. The old Rosthern Hospital building was moved to the Youth Farm Complex as the Home for the Mentally Challenged in 1953. It served in that capacity until 1968 and then was used for housing until moved off the yard in the 1990s. The Lutheran parsonage in Laird was purchased and moved to the Youth Farm Complex in 1956. It is currently used as staff housing for the camp. An additional two houses were moved off the yard in the early 2000s.
In 2005, the Youth Farm Bible Camp moved an RTM onsite for Staff housing. It was to be the first of three building moves in a period of 10 years. Here is the video of the house move:
In 2011, a much larger move took place. Eigenheim Church donated their building to the camp and preparations were made to move the 3500 square foot building to the camp. A large basement was built and the new chapel was moved on June 1, 2011. The building has been a huge blessing to the camp, giving a great place to worship our Lord during chapels. The main office was moved to the building increasing office space from 100 square feet to 1000 square feet. Three suites with washrooms attached were located in the basement as well as modern bathrooms, including a wheelchair accessible washroom complete with shower, three multipurpose rooms, and a cafe. Watch the video of the move here:
In 2014, the farm received a barn. In the 1950s, when there was an operational dairy, pasteurizing plant, beef cows, pigs, chickens and horses, the yard had nine red barns on the site. Over the years, the barns were removed with the last one, the Dairy Barn, burning down in 1987. The money from the insurance claim went to develop the summer camping program at Shekinah with smaller amounts going to Camp Elim and YFBC. Because of this, the barn could not be replaced. It had been a dream of the YFBC Board for many years to move or build a barn. Watch how this building was moved to the camp: