Own The Vision
Consider being a monthly donor
Become a monthly donor and help prepare, foster, improve, and further the YFBC ministry
Through monthly giving, Cultivators provide the Youth Farm Bible Camp with a reliable and steady funding source. This allows us to plan ahead for programming, projects, and maintenance. Monthly supporters are a significant part of keeping our ministry going and growing. We call our monthly supporters, Cultivators. We know that these individuals and families are the ones who's monthly gift will ensure we are prepared to serve, will foster the growth of our camp, will improve our facilities, and will encourage us to further the ministry we know changes lives. That is a Cultivator.
Hassle-free and automatic donations
Regular updates about what is happening at YFBC and how your money is making a difference
Annual tax receipt
Ability to change or suspend your donation at anytime
Knowledge that your gift makes a difference in a campers life
Fill out our simple online form
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Fill out Credit Card information or set up a monthly donation through your bank account
Become a YFBC Cultivator today! (by Credit Card)
Fill out the Pre-Authorization Debit form to donate monthly through your bank
By Clicking on the above link, you will partner with a ministry that has been loving God and loving People since 1941. We have camps for children and youth; camps for Adults with Intellectual Disabilities, Retreats for Churches and Youth Groups, events that enrich our communities, a corn maze that provides a great family adventure, a Mission Trip to Mexico that has built 15 houses in Tijuana, and much more. We would love for you to become a YFBC Cultivator today!