Junior Staff
All Junior Staff positions are voluntary, unpaid, leadership training experiences. You must have completed grade 9 in order to apply for one of these positions.

One-three week position
Responsible to the CIT Director
If you are looking for a summer opportunity to serve others and grow in your faith the leader-in-training position is a great fit! You will assist the cabin leaders, working with them as a team, to give the campers a super camp experience. You will be placed in a cabin, alongside a cabin leader, who will give you guidance and encouragement as you grow in leadership and service skills. The campers are your main priority, serving them, showing God's love, and sharing your faith. These will come in practical, physical ways, as well as, spiritual ways. A few examples of LIT tasks are leading wake-up games, skill groups, and one night of cabin devotions
Barn Helper (Horses & Petting Zoo)
One-three week position
Responsible to the Facilities Director and CIT Director
The Barn Helper positions are for those of you who love animals! You will feed the horses and the petting zoo animals, as well as, complete daily chores in the petting zoo. You will also spend time with the campers during skills time by assisting in what comes to petting zoo tours and riding horses. This will give you the opportunity to serve, show God's love, and share your faith with the campers. You will also be sleeping in a cabin during your weeks, connecting with the campers and other staff through this experience.
Junior Kitchen Help
One-three week position
Responsible to the Head Cook and CIT Director
Everyone loves camp food and getting to be behind the scenes is even better! Junior kitchen help will work alongside the head cook to either help prepare and serve meals and/or be a part of the cleanup crew. This is an opportunity to grow in leadership and servanthood, serving all the campers and staff in a practical way. You will get to stay in a cabin with the campers and join in evening camp activities.